Forgiveness restores my peace of mind.
What is forgiveness? For me, it’s refusing to hold resentment toward another person even though I have every right to do so.
I’m currently on a 6-week sabbatical and forgiveness has been at the top of my list of challenges…especially the forgiveness for myself (that’s another story for another time).
However, when I forgive others, I also liberate myself from being weighed down by past events. I wipe the slate clean and start anew. Sometimes this is a daily choice.
Forgiveness is empowering. Forgiveness puts me back in control of my life. I can focus on my own reactions rather than external events. My resilience increases as I become more skillful at dealing with conflicts and disappointments.
Letting go of resentments reduces my anxiety. I know from experience that I commit many actions for which I need to be pardoned. It is important to teach myself that absolution is possible.
Most of all, I take pleasure in knowing that I promote healing when I make allowances for mistakes and misjudgments. It’s not easy, but necessary!
A tolerant attitude helps me to better understand someone who hurts me. They may be feeling pressured or experiencing great losses. Usually, their behavior is not personal toward me.
When I respond with kindness rather than anger, we all have the opportunity to grow. Personal growth is key for maturity.
Absolution becomes easier and more constructive when I accept accountability for my role in any conflict and/or challenges. I am honest with myself about my shortcomings.
Distinguishing between people and their actions helps me to protect my own welfare while turning the other cheek. I understand I can feel affection and concern for others without condoning behavior that contradicts my values.
Forgiveness becomes more automatic as I rejoice in the good feelings it brings.
Today, I throw away grudges from the past. I enjoy the peace of mind that comes with extending forgiveness.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. What are the barriers that make it difficult for me to forgive?
2. How does forgiveness make me happier?
3. Is there one person I could choose to forgive today?