Self-Love vs. Humility | A Challenge of Self-Exploration
Our society thrives on comparisons and competition. There’s nothing wrong with using a little competition to push us to excel or to maximize our greatest potential. However, when competition cause us make decisions that ultimately hurt others or ourselves, it is no longer healthy.
With so much attention on societal status, social media likes, and perfect beauty standards, we may find ourselves in the battle to win at the expense of others…or at the expense of our values.
I’ve found that the key to disconnecting from the chaos and unplugging from the insanity is HUMILITY.
What is humility? The ability to prefer others above oneself. Hmmmm, that’s seems like a difficult task. For many years, I was caught in the competitive fashion industry competing for jobs, campaigns, and other status driven commodities. When I made the decision to unplug from the chaos, my focus shifted from how I could be “better” than others to how to use my gifts and talents to make others better.
We are each gifted to “give” to others through humility and compassion. Here are 3 ways to embrace humility:
1) Celebrate the gifts, beauty, and talents of others. We are all created differently, but equally. Take a moment today and celebrate someone else. Give kind words or send a message of encouragement to a coworker, family member, or friend.
2) Remain open to feedback and positive criticism. We all need direction and feedback. Ask trusted friends or mentors to give you feedback about your career or personal development. Ask them how you can improve or excel in your pursuit of success.
3) Be grateful for the small things. Sometimes it is difficult to be grateful when we are in constant pursuit of bigger and better. The Hedonic Adaptation or Treadmill suggests that the more we have the more we want. I encourage you to take time everyday to find something to be grateful for.
I’ve experienced a great amount of success in my life and career. One day I woke up and felt numb because I felt that I’d attained everything on my career list and I didn’t have anything to prove. It was at that moment that I realized I’d wasted a lot of time focused on me instead of helping others who really are in need. Today, I believe in embracing humility and extending my resources, services, and talents toward a greater cause: the healing and development of others.
“It is more blessed to give than to receive” Acts 20:35